Sunday, May 24, 2009
wah... nobody posted anything since our Msia trip. Tired? busy? or just lazy?
anyway, we have not met for quite some time. let s meet up this wed, coz el cant make it on next wkn.... el, confirm with me k? meet for dinner.
susi, i need to shop. need new collection in my wardrobe. let me know if you are available next wkn. see if we can work out sth...
btw, let s do sth more interesting one of the wkns. thinking of going prawn fishing. it s at one of the prawn farm and we can just try to fish for prawns. afterwards, we are free to bbq the prawns we ve caught. slurpppp... susi, know that u dont eat prawns. but it sounds fun, isnt it so?
or we can visit Qian Hu fish farm. they actually have guided tour. and we can do fish spa there.
how how? sounds good? let me know and hopefully we can work out sth on the first wkn of june.

5:20 PM]